For many many years now, doctors have approached diabetes treatment in a rather set pattern. First and foremost the patient is advised to lose weight. Secondly, the patient is put on oral drugs which would help in controlling and lowering the blood sugar level. And last but not the least, the dosage of medicine is increased over a period of time. This has almost become the standard practice of most doctors but now there is another school of thought which believes in taking a rather aggressive approach towards the disease. This would help in arresting the disease to a large extent and avoiding more serious complications in the future.
Unlike the earlier days where the patient was asked to lose weight and a small dose of drugs given to him which would later be increased nowadays several medicines are given at once in addition to encouraging the patient to have a balanced diet along with exercise. Basically a change towards a healthy lifestyle would actually solve many health related issues.
Diabetes is not to be taken lightly or ignored. In the USA, the disease happens to be the 7th reason known to be the cause of death. Type2 diabetes is a condition wherein the body does not produce sufficient insulin or it might also be that the insulin produced is ignored by the cells. Metformin is said to be the most commonly used drug to treat type2 diabetes along with a good well balanced diet and a healthy exercise regime. Sulfonyurea or glitazones are also recommended drugs to bring down the blood sugar level. This can be prescribed over a period of time and a mix of insulin can also be prescribed to the patients depending on the requirement. Doctors have to understand the impact of this approach well by undertaking clinical trials before putting it in practice.
A major lifestyle change also works wonders when it comes to controlling the disease. Controlling your diet and eating well balanced meals are also very important and at the same time one should also follow a good exercise routine. Diabetes when not under control gets along with it many other complications like kidney trouble, heart problems, eye problems and so many others. An absolutely strict and disciplined lifestyle can work very well and there are examples to prove that diabetics who have done so have not even felt the need to take medication for their illness.
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