Proteins have always been considered very essential and is said to be a very vital part of one’s diet. But too much of anything is bad. Recent studies have shown that when the production of protein in the liver is in excess of normal levels and when this large amount of protein runs through the blood stream the chances of turning into a diabetic increases and this is especially true in case of older adults. Earlier too, such studies have been conducted and a correlation has been seen between the protein known as Fetuin-A and insulin resistance. Insulin is what turns all the sugar and other food in our body into energy. A higher than normal level of the said protein has shown an insulin resistance in the body. But this ultimately leading to diabetes has not been established.
Studies have been undertaken to establish the relation between the two and 135 persons with high Fetuin-A level had over a period of six years they developed diabetes whereas 383 other adults did not. After taking into account the weight and the fasting blood sugar along with all the factors that are likely to influence the test results, it has been observed that the incidence of diabetes was greater in those with a higher concentration of the protein Fetuin-A. Studies have shown that persons with a higher level of the said protein were more than two times as likely to turn diabetic over a period of time as compared to their counterparts with lower levels of protein Fetuin-A.
Scientists are now conducting further studies on the subject to establish whether the same holds true for those in the middle age bracket. This age group is the one where the incidence of diabetes is the highest. If this relationship is established and conclusive evidence gained about the higher level of protein Fetuin-A leading to higher incidence of diabetes this can actually help in the creation of new drugs for the treatment of the disease. This can also lead to new treatment methods for diabetes which can go a long way in providing relief to a lot of patients in the future.
With continuous research being made on the subject, scientists have already made a big breakthrough and are likely to find very effective ways and means to keep the disease at bay. In the meantime a balanced diet and an effective exercise regime can do the needful.
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