Sunday, May 2, 2010
Inhaled Insulin
Insulin has a very important role in keeping the sugar levels under a check. But, when the body is unable to produce enough insulin for utilizing the glucose, your health is at stake. When such a situation arises, it leads to diabetes. If the produced insulin is not enough for the body, then more insulin is needed to be delivered to the body. And, this is done via medication, insulin injections etc. Insulin can even be passed into the body with insulin inhaling. Research is still being done on this and it is not as popular as other alternatives. However, people still prefer other methods as there are many problems associated with this. Currently, this method is not highly preferred as others. However, if it proves to be cost effective and successful then it can serve as a very convenient method. If Inhaled Insulin proves to be a successful therapy, then there will be a revolution in the medical field. Diabetes is really a very dreadful disease. Many methods to get relief from this are found. Inhaled insulin is one such method.
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