
Monday, May 3, 2010


Manganese is known as the trace material; as it is required in very small amount by our body for various purposes like blood clotting, sexual hormone stimulation, formation of tissues and proper functioning of brain. Apart from all these functions, manganese is under constant evaluation for providing benefits to diabetic patients. So, what are the good results delivered by the research so far?

Manganese belongs to the class of antioxidants, as it belongs to manganese superoxide dismutase, and thus, is responsible for protecting the vital body cells. Damage to these cell caused by free radicals can induce disastrous results, including diabetes, but appropriate level of manganese can restrict this to happen. Due to antioxidant qualities exhibited by manganese, it can prevent the damage to blood vessels. Also, it can tackle the situations like increase in cholesterol level, thereby preventing the disastrous results like heart attacks in diabetic patients.

Manganese hinders the oxidation process of low density lipoprotein, which can otherwise lead to problems like heart attack and stroke. Diabetes and hypoghlycaemia are the situations, effectively addressed by manganese by controlling the level of sugar in blood. Metabolism of fats and proteins is the process, which is enhanced by consuming manganese in recommended amount regularly. Not only it boosts the formation of energy, it also prevents the accumulation of undesirable components in the blood.

It has not been concluded that deficiency of manganese can contribute towards diabetes or not. However, the studies conducted on the patients suffering from diabetes have revealed the facts that these patients are found deficient in manganese.

There are different food products recommended to intake desirable amount of manganese on regular basis. For instance, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, egg yolks, avocados, seaweed and tea are considered as the sources rich in this mineral. Manganese supplements are also available in the market, which can provide adequate amount of this mineral to the body. However, it is essential to learn your eligibility for consuming these supplements.

Proper dose of manganese is also important to avoid any type of imbalance in the body. According to Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA), an individual should include 2.5 to 5 mg of manganese in his diet on routine basis. Dose of manganese for diabetics can be learnt from your physician. It is also advised to learn about steps to be taken in case of accidental overdose of this mineral.


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