
Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mixed insulin

Mixed insulin is cloudy in appearance. It is a combination of either a rapid onset-fast acting or a short acting insulin and intermediate acting insulin. Advantage of it is that, two types of insulin can be given in one injection. When it shows 30/70 then it means 30% of short acting is mixed with 70%of intermediate acting insulin.
Note: - Roll or shake well the vial of insulin in order to mixed them evenly.

The mixed insulins currently available include:

Humalog Mix 25
Mixtard 30/70
Mixtard 20/80
Long acting insulin: There are two kinds of long acting insulin available in market, both with clear appearance.

Lantus (Glargine) - It has no peak period as it works constantly when released into your bloodstream at a relatively constant rate. (full 24 hours)
Levemir (Detemir) - It has a relatively flat action, can last up to 24 hours and may be given once or twice during the day.


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