Unlike type 2 diabetes the symptoms of juvenile diabetes may occur suddenly and prove to be dangerous, they are
Increased urination:- The glucose cannot reach the cells which results into high blood sugar. The kidneys do this by filtering out the extra sugar, which is the reason of frequent urination
Increased thirst:- Due to frequent urination there is more loss of water from the body which automatically increases the intake of water.
Increased hunger:- The body glucose is not being used due to insufficiency of insulin which results into increased urge of hunger.
Weight loss:- When the body glucose is not used for the production of energy since long time, the body starts using fat deposits and proteins which leads to weight loss. Weight loss is too fast as it is a growth period.
Fatigue:- Due to deficiency of the required energy in the body, we feel exhausted very fast.
Flu like symptoms:- when the body is weak and running out of the calories that it generally requires, there are much chances of falling prey to small infections.
Fruity breath odor:- when body fat starts breaking down for the production of glucose it releases acetone and other ketone bodies, which leads to fruity odor from mouth.
Bedwetting:- particularly, if the child was previously “dry” at night
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