Vitamin D has been constantly supplied by the millions years old sun and it has been serving the solution for a number of disorders. Now, you have another reason to enjoy the sunny weather, as vitamin D has been appreciated as the good nutrient for preventing and fighting diabetes.
Interestingly, the people living near equator have been studied to have lower risk of type 1 diabetes than those residing in other parts of the world. Apart from preventing the onset of diabetes in body, this vitamin can also provide benefits to those already suffering from the disease.
Useful studies have been conducted to confirm that deficiency of Vitamin D in the body can lead to a number of problems like hypertension and heart diseases in those suffering from high blood sugar. Hyperglycemia is another disorder caused due to reduced amount of this vitamin in the body. Insulin resistance can also rise in the absence of appropriate vitamin D level, leading to higher probability of type-2 diabetes.
Vitamin D also plays an important role in improving the insulin secretion and sensitivity. Thus, deficiency of this vitamin can also hamper the performance of insulin in the body. It has been reported that type-1 as well as type-2 diabetes are diagnosed with lower level of vitamin D in their bodies. Shocking facts have been found that even teenagers and children are at the higher risk of acquiring diabetes in the absence of vitamin D from the body.
In order to prevent all these possibilities, it is important to have vitamin D in adequate amount from external sources. Vitamin D can be obtained in adequate amount from foods like salmon, mackerel, sardines, eggs, fortified cereals, liver, beef, cheese, milk and pure cod liver oil. It is important to follow US recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for vitamin D to avoid overdose of this nutrient. The RDA value of vitamin D is 5 mcg for individuals between the age of 19 and 50 years and 10 mcg for those who are older than this. This recommended dose of vitamin D should be included on routine basis in the diet. RDA value of this vitamin for diabetics can be suggested by your doctor.
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