
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Alkalized Diet What is Acidosis?

Acidosis can be described as a condition where the body has a higher acid load than Our bodies have an acid-alkaline ratio known as the pH (potential of hydrogen), which is a balance between positively charged (acid-based) ions and negatively charged (alkaline-based) ions. Our bodies continually work to maintain a pH balance of 20% acid and 80% alkaline. However, when the acid level shoots to an abnormally high level acidosis occurs.
It may result from failure of the lungs to remove carbon dioxide (respiratory acidosis) or from an over production of acid substances in the body's tissues (metabolic acidosis).
Lactic acidosis, hyper-chloremic acidosis and diabetic acidosis are the other types of metabolic acidosis.

Hence, for our bodies and organs to function at their optimum efficiency we must be at 7.365 ''pH'' level as pH is measured on a scale from 0-14. The neutral value is 7, while values below are more acidic (For egs: towards a car battery) and values above 7 more basic (For egs: towards dish soap).


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