Biotin and blood sugar can't co-exist in the human body. The significant researches in various parts of the world have revealed that increase in the level of one of them establishes lower level for another. Biotin is a B group vitamin, which is also known as vitamin H. The nutrient has gained utmost importance amongst those researching on diabetes and we can expect some good anti-diabetic remedies on the way. Biotin is capable of enhancing the performance of insulin, which is the most important body hormone to prevent the occurrence of diabetes. Apart from this, biotin also induces a high-level performance of glucokinase, a critical enzyme required by liver to make proper utilization of stored glucose.
Efficient metabolism is another wonderful contribution of biotin in the human body. This essential nutrient allows the better metabolism of carbohydrates, fats as well as amino acids, thereby decreases the complications. Apart from this, it also commands the process of glycogen synthesis to maintain the blood glucose level.
Biotin can also restrict the body to gain abnormal weight, which is one of the most common reasons for the diabetes to occur. As the carbohydrates, fats and amino acids are broken down and synthesized effectively; the body is restricted from gaining excessive amount of weight. Biotin supplementation has promised great measures to prevent and treat type-1 and type-2 diabetes.
Another interesting combination of biotin is formed with chrome and the resulting product is also considered as a capable way to fight diabetes. Both these constituents have been proved to be safe and can fight diabetes by allowing the glucose to get synthesized properly.
Biotin can be obtained from rich food products like brewers yeast, egg yolks, nuts, legumes, whole grains, banana, mushrooms, molasses, soybean and vegetables like cauliflower. It is also available in the tablets form, which can be consumed only at the prescription of a doctor. Biotin medications can interact with other medications and thus, you should discuss all these possibilities with a medical expert.
Recommended Dietary Allowances value for biotin is 300 mcg for patients suffering from diabetes. However, the severity of the condition can make this amount to vary and hence, you need to consult an authorized doctor to learn about the same. Biotin is certainly an incredible nutrient to help your body maintain the desirable blood sugar level and weed out the associated complications.
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