Sunday, May 2, 2010
Insulin syringes
To understand the role of insulin syringes what we need to know is the role of insulin first. Our body has many cells and each cell uses glucose to carry out the normal body functions. However, this glucose is there in the blood stream initially and it requires to be carried to the cells. And, insulin carries out this function. Hence, insulin plays a vital role in the normal body functions. In case, when the person suffers from high blood sugar or diabetes, the insulin that is produced is not enough to utilize this glucose and thus it remains in the blood stream. Insulin syringe is one of the insulin delivery devices. There are many such insulin delivery devices like insulin pens, insulin pumps etc. Insulin syringes are the fine needles that are attached with the insulin barrels or carrier. The syringe inserts in the skin and delivers insulin to the nerves. These needles are fine and very sharp. They ensure a perfectly painless experience. Insulin syringes have special coating and are quite functional. There are many reputed companies, which deal in insulin syringes. If you are a diabetic, you must know about insulin syringes
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