Unlike the high fashion runway models, I’ve been noticing that more and more celebrities are not afraid to let people know that they have eyebrows. I mean, really, why should they? Full eyebrows that are groomed and shaped make your face look more naturally radiant.
I think skinny eyebrows first came into style when Brooke Shields threw
away her tweezers in the 80’s. A lot of people were scared by this look–but come on, her eyebrows are a little wild to say the least. You really can’t help but notice that Brooke’s face would be even more gorgeous if she’d trim her brows. As a result, this fear of the eyebrows as inhibitors of our optimum beauty took control and so began the relentless plucking obsession.
I think Tyra Banks is the prime example of the classic omg-what-did-I-do-to-my-eyebrows moment. In her picture on the left, you can barely tell that she has any hair follicles at all above her eyebrows–giving an alien-like illusion to her face.This is a definite DON’T! Natural beauty is the last thing that this look produces.
If that didn’t scare you, check out Pamela Anderson’s awkward face. Let this be a lesson to all of you. Drawing in your eyebrows does not fool anybody.
Finally we’ve reached a decade in which more celebrities are discovering the obvious in-between. Something not as manly as Brooke’s brow nor as freaky as Tyra’s or Pamela’s eyebrows.
Hayden Panettiere from Heros has eyebrows
that look groomed, yet naturally stunning.
Anne Hathaway’s dark, full eyebrows seem to compliment her face very well and she’s definitely got that natural beauty.
Image Sources: Annehathawaygallery.com, celebritybeautybuzz.com, blackhairmedia.com, broadwayworld.com
Shop for tweezers at Smarter.com, but don’t get carried away!
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