
Thursday, April 29, 2010

How Lauren Conrad Got in Shape

Right before Lauren Conrad left her reality TV shows on the Hills, she was going through a period in which she had very low self-esteem, she told Shape magazine.

She said she just didn’t feel very good about herself because everyone was doubting and underestimating her. So she decided, that’s it: I’m making a huge decision to leave the show and do something that I know I’m good at to prove everyone wrong.

She wrote a book, “LA Candy” about a girl, much like herself, who spent her late teen to early twenty years filmed in front of a camera on a reality TV show. Not exactly original or creative, but it’s a huge accomplishment–writing a NY Times best selling book. In fact, she’s already writing another one.

This is also around the time that she launched her new clothing line at Kohl’s, which she describes is “much more me” than her other high end designs.

In the midst of all this change and breaking out of her shell, she proved herself that she is determined and can stay committed to becoming and staying fit. She has been practicing a strict regiment of eating healthy and exercising every day.

Her diet consists of watermelon, organic salad greens and tuna. She does a workout regiment that you can do anywhere–which helps because she’s on the road so much for her book signing, etc.

One of her workout plans is doing 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps of squats, in order 2 or 3 times a week. You should rest for 30 seconds between sets.

How to:

Works legs, butt, and shoulders
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and loop the center of a resistance tube under your arches. Hold a handle in each hand next to shoulders with palms facing forward. Bend knees, lowering hips until thighs are parallel to the ground, then rise up as you press your hands overhead. Return to start position and repeat.


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