
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tyra Will Reveal Her Real Hair Today

Throughout the course of her career in its entirety, Tyra Banks has always worn a wig, weave, or extensions. America has never seen what Tyra’s hair actually looks like; however, Tyra’s big unveiling is happening on her talk show today. We’ll finally get to see what Tyra naturally looks like. This is part of her season premiere and a means to garner audience interest.

I mean, sure it’d be nice to see what her hair looks like, but it’s not exactly Earth shattering as she’s making it out to be. The idea behind it is noble–she’s encouraging natural beauty. Personally, it’s hard to take her seriously because her fame and success roots from her modeling–an industry that revels in fakeness. So she’s basically saying natural beauty is ideal on her talk show, but it’s still okay to promote unattainable heights of beauty through her other show Top Model, which is all about unnatural beauty.

Banks told Radaronline that, “It’s just me coming straight out of the shower with wet hair. My hairdresser’s going to do my hair live on stage.”

Subsequently, she’s going to be talking to audience members who don’t feel good about their natural hair. I’m sure Tyra’s going to show us her real hair but then return to the next red carpet event with yet another wig. So what good does that really do? This all just seems like a novelty gimmick because I can bet on the fact that Tyra will not take her own advice, her role in the supermodel industry prevents this from happening.


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